Full Schedule and Information on Specific Panels Below

Day 1

Friday, April 2nd
9:30 am (EDT)

Main Hall opens 

10:00 am — 10:10 am

Intro­ductory Remarks

Andrew Muhammad, Professor, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture & C‑FARE’s Board Member

10:10 am — 11:00 am

The Rapid Diffusion of E‑Commerce and E‑Procurement in Devel­oping Regions: Patterns and Determinants

Thomas Reardon, Professor at Michigan State University

11:00 am — 11:05 am


11:05 am — 11:55 am

AI & Emerging Technology Use Cases in Agriculture

Wendy EaronIBM Global Industry CTO / Retail, Travel & Trans­portation, CPG

11:55 am — 12:00 pm


12:00 pm — 12:50 pm

Venture Capital, Entre­pre­neurship and Agriculture

Kellee James, CEO & Founder of Mercaris 

12:50 pm — 12:55 pm


12:55 pm — 1:30 pm

Breakout Rooms 1 & 2

1:30 pm (EDT)

Day One closes

Day 2

Monday, April 5th
9:30 am (EDT)

Main Hall opens

10:00 am — 10:10 am

Intro­ductory Remarks

Gal Hochman, Professor, Rutgers University & C‑FARE’s Board Chair

10:10 am — 11:00 am

Agriculture in a Digital World

Jason Henderson, Director of Purdue University Cooper­ative Extension Service/​Senior Associate Dean of Purdue College of Agriculture

11:00 am — 11:05 am


11:05 am — 11:55 am

The Future of Food at the Inter­section of Corporate Social Respon­si­bility, Technology, and Consumer Awareness

Dr. Darin Detwiler, Assistant Dean at North­eastern University’s College of Profes­sional Studies/​Associate Teaching Professor of Food Regulatory Policy 

11:55 am — 12:00 pm


12:00 pm — 12:50 pm

Recon­necting with Food

Ron Hicks, CEO & Founder of HerdX 

12:50 pm — 12:55 pm


12:55 pm — 1:30 pm

Breakout Rooms 3 & 4

1:30 pm (EDT)

Day Two closes